Sunday, January 1, 2012

January, 2nd, 2012 WOD:
“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” Anaïs Nin

Happy 20-12 to everyone! It's time to put 'Verbs" in our sentences! One day at a time do what it takes to check those goals off this year.

Also wanted to send out (a day early) Happy Birthday to Lauren Acuna!!!

We will have CrossFitOP WOD BOOKs for sale this week! These sharp spiral bound books allow you to track your lifts, record your wods, they list the named/hero wods and a whole lot more! Limited supply tho so Reserve your OP WOD BOOK via facebook post or email to Cost $20. These will be available late Wednesday afternoon.

24 min. amrap
20 Goblet squats(53/35)
20 Wallballs
20 1 Arm Snatches(10 each Arm - 45/35)
200m Run